Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Ab and I met in Atlanta for a quick visit with MawMaw & PawPaw. It was MawMaw and PawPaw's first time to meet Bella; she was quite a hit! Bella is growing by leaps and bounds! I couldn't believe how different she looked already.
Elijah had quite a few dance parties during his trip. Here his dance partners include Mr. Moose and the Elvis-impersonating dog.
We heard a lot of "Mo! Mo! Mo!" with this dog around. There sure ain't nothin' like a hound dog...
Since Bella has now adjusted to life outside the womb, Abigail was able to rekindle her relationship with Elijah.
They are friends again.
This trip changed Elijah from simply talking about "Joe! Joe! Joe!" to also including "Ahhhb!" and "Bubba" in our conversations.

Sweet boy, sweet sister, sweet niece, sweet MawMaw & PawPaw. Sweet visit.

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