Monday, March 5, 2012

Thanking God for...

{Gifts 432 - 470}

- My team of great helpers {and all the reminders to be cheerful in my work~:-)}
- "I want you to hold me, Momma. Hold me all the way." ~Haven Extended hugs from an incredibly rambunctious 2 year old.
- Laughter and kisses outside of CHS
- "Momma! Momma! Watch this!" An across the house slide from a little boy in Spiderman undies. "That was awesome!"

- Hugs from children at church
- A morning nap with Elijah on the couch! While Haven played quietly by herself! (A once-in-a-lifetime grace, to be sure!)
- An interview of Katie Davis by David Platt
- The love of God manifest in others
- Trampoline jumping with Sarah, Joshua, and Andrew

- Upcoming Women's Retreat - anticipating God doing great things!
- A refrigerator full of brown eggs
- Millions of books to read, much to be discovered! (Train whistles as a secret code!?!?!)
- Coffee with Bailey's hazelnut creamer
- The grace of seeing my own folly - not asking for prayer when struggling with Polly Jane's pregnancy

- Interrupted, good talks with my just-turned-27 sister
- Two new pairs of jeans for Elijah - $1.38
- Taking food to friends - the privilege of serving and the encouragement that this is less stressful than it used to be
- Crying - weeping rather - in front of friends
- Free food from a Dollar General return

- Birthday parties and playdates and all the great learning opportunities which lie therein
- God answered prayers: Elijah's courage to say no
- Mocha cheesecake
- Clean diapers
- Husband home

- Glimpses of the dire consequences of my sins - a grace pushing me even more towards...
- Jesus, who promises to make ALL things new
- Calm, wise words emitted from a frantic, scared-to-death, freaking-out mind. GRACE IN THE MOMENT!
- Little girl, wearing a hooded fleece, walking over to her crib - ready for her nap
- The Rag Coat & These Happy Golden Years reminding me of how much God has given us

- Lots of bright, sippy cup colors filling my dishwasher
- Washing machine humming before 6 AM
- Children reading to themselves, surrounded by books
- Jolly - super attached to Hug by Jez Alborough, and the entire family's ability to read it to her
- Disney movies from the library

- "Kiss me again, Momma! A Big Kiss!" ~ Haven
- Jumping with Jolly at Matthew's Pump It Up party!
- Friends for my children - an answered prayer of long ago!
- Tissues (what if I had to wash all these handkerchiefs?)
- Eric's help during a two buggy Costco trip

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