Monday, February 14, 2011

Thanking God for...

{Gifts 104 - 122}
- Money back from BCBS; a start to our Total Money Makeover
- Fat white snowflakes
- Haven's shoes found at half-price
- Plans of a little man - endless planning
- Bare spots of clean floor
- Brief minutes of joyful sibling play
- Rhythmic breathing on my neck from a fuzzy-headed baby
- S.W.A.T. hat on a beautiful boy's head, just above his backwards orange shirt
- God's grace in following up terrible days with good ones
- A shower - long, hot, and all by myself
- Clean diapers, dry underwear, dirty clothes
- Mud squishing up the side of my tennis shoes
- Ridgetop Trail at Beaman Park
- Not having to push the stroller PLUS having some adult conversation on the hike
- Christ, through whom I HAVE RECEIVED GRACE
- Being loved by God (!)
- The best Valentine, Valentine's Day #8 with Eric
- Stranger rescuing Polly Jane's red bow from the trestle. "That was so, so kind. We though it was lost forever." ~ Elijah
- God's grace in allowing my heart to love

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