- Roasted Vegetables & Spiced Bran Muffins
- BookHouse, the collection!
- "I can help you, Haven."
- Remembering Michelle's sweet friendship on 9/11, 10 years ago
- Memories of travels
- This year's 9/11 - wonderful, non-exotic, birthday celebration with Mammie at Sonic
- A nap! A real, true, wake-up-feeling-rested nap
- Children running, shooting, climbing, squealing
- Haven needing me: "Momma! I want Momma!"
- Jolly's enunciation--Daaaa-deee--in Eric's presence
- Energy to love
- Laura's love for me shown in willingly, joyfully holding my baby
- A world full of wonder, much more than I can ever understand
- Missing my husband
- Two eggs in one day!
- Opportunities to serve the children of our church
- God's grace in giving joy in the midst of my serving
- Friend's gracious forgiveness
- Ish-bosheth & Mephibosheth & "Tell me Momma?"

So much to be thankful for! Nap? What is that?:) Enjoyed visiting from Ann's today.
I was thinking about you too:) Missing you, missing our fun travel adventures...go AGB!haha Glad I was with you on that day. I'm thankful for our friendship and how blessed we were in our travels.
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