These girls are all so dear to me. We know each other. Better said, they know me - yucky stuff and all. AND YET, they still love me!
Anne & Polly Jane:
Jenelle with Peter, Lauren's super-chub baby:
Jenelle & Polly Jane: (I love this picture!)
Michelle with a very happy Jolly:
Lauren, Momma to super-chub baby:
Mexican dining at its finest~:)
This baby! He is wonderful!
Ooooh, and so is she!
Would you like an example of how these girls are so wonderful? When I emailed everyone "I'm in this exercise competition...I'll probably have to exercise a lot over the weekend...Bring any workout you have..." I was met with enthusiastic responses. Things like, "Great! I'll bring my Hip-Hop-Booty-Bop! It's a great workout!" And then they let me march and kick and punch and twist while we all talked. Amazing friends? Yes.
It was especially fun to have Anne & Jenelle in for a prolonged visit. Seeing dear friends with my own children is such a blessing. It seems like you can't really love someone - totally, anyway - until you know their family and see their kitchen. I treasured these few short days with a whole houseful of fabulous friends. And I can't wait until we are all together again!!!
3.19.2011 & 3.21.2011
aaahh! i can't wait either!!! i HAVE to make it next time!!! love you!!!
I can't wait either!!!:) Love remembering this weekend!
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