Saturday, July 19, 2008

My Little Boy


Sweet Little Elijah,

You are now fourteen months old and such a delight to your Daddy and me. This month you started saying just "Maaa Maaa" instead of "Maaa Maaa Maaa Maaa Maaa." You have also used "Daa Daa" on many occasions to specifically address your Father. Your faces changes, and you get really excited when I mention Daddy's name or say "Who's here? Who is it Elijah?" when Daddy comes home. And Daddy has been coming home a lot to take naps during his lunch break. Many days you have wakened from your morning nap first. I say, "Guess who's here? Guess who is here, Elijah!" and you immediately start looking around. Then you spot Daddy on the bed and start pointing and doing your excited grunt. I will place you on the bed by Daddy's feet and watch you crawl up to Daddy's face, so thrilled that he is home. So far, it has always made Daddy wake up in a good mood too!

After a two week strike, you are back to giving Daddy real, slobbery kisses. You have (mostly) stopped biting me while trying to give kisses. A few days ago, I was sitting on the living room floor cutting out an insane amount of coupons. You would waddle from me to under the kitchen table, pause, then quickly waddle back to my side with an open mouth and a loud "aaaaaagh" to give me a kiss. It was so funny and sweet; I am sure my laughter encouraged you to continue this for several minutes.

You are communicating like crazy. You can give signals for "please," "thank you," and "all done," but you manage to communicate much, much more than that. You even use voice inflections with the "mmmuuugh" sound in the back of your throat to communicate. Your pointing, excited laughing/exacerbated "please" sign, and movement of the large tub of animal crackers has gained you many a snack.

The toy animal train still scares you even though you can turn the music off and on by yourself. The self-propelling action of the train is, I think, what frightens you. You have just started to really push your little cars across the floor. It is so cute and boyish when you do it! You especially love your little ladybug, popping car. Your favorite toys, however, are in Momma's desk: the baby stapler, large clips, and rolls of tape are continually exciting to you. You also like to pull out all the cards and envelopes from the stationary drawer. The phenomenon of emptying things - bags, drawers, chests - is captivating to you. I usually let you make these messes because I am glad that you are curious. I basically follow you around the house, allowing you to make one mess so I can clean up another. But I love it. When I get frustrated, I often think, "But what if I didn't have a baby to make all these messes!"

Fishing a clip out of the toilet, matching cards to envelopes, wiping oatmeal off the floor, washing your tray three times a day, spraying off your diapers, taking flowers out of your mouth, finding Mr. Moose, reading Happy Birthday Maisy! eight times a day - you are worth the effort it takes to do all these things, a million times over.

I love you,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love to read your blog Elijah. Your Mom makes such sweet comments and gives a great sneak peek into your life at home with Mom and Dad. We praise the Lord for His goodness in putting you into our lives.
Grampa and Grammie