Monday, December 8, 2008


Thanks to a free pass from one of our friends, we were able to go to Cheekwood with some other friends. They had a variety of scarecrows to see - one was even a dragon.
There was really a lot of falling going on that day. Abiel obtained at least two injuries during our first hour there.
Here is Elijah just before he slipped in the mudpuddle (pictured on the left), bit his lip, and covered himself in cold mud.
My favorite part of the park is the Japanese water garden. They have a little stream filling several large pools and creating waterfalls every few yards.
Lunch was a highlight for the children, pictured here in a rare moment of stillness. After eating they all ran around and around inside the gazebo. I gave everyone a lollipop to help keep their energy up~:-)
Elijah did a little more exploring after our friends left.
Since no other children were nearby, I let him haul around large sticks.
We talked to Daddy on the phone.
Elijah and Mr. Moose went off on their own adventure.

We saw lots of pretty flowers, many waterfalls, hanging gourds, talking birds, and muddy children. What fun!

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