Friday, August 20, 2010

Haven's First Birthday Party!

Getting dressed in her fancy birthday get-up (thanks Uncle John & Aunt Heather!):
When's the party starting?
Mombo came!
Bella is here!
Sweet cousins (bffs):
Failed family shot:

Megan came, dressed in her rock star tutu!

Cousin Luke arrived!

Bella, in usual style, made lots of faces.

The cake arrived; Elijah knew what that meant.

I'm the most excited (either about my daughter being one or about eating the delicious strawberry cake, I can't remember).

Haven takes a swipe:

"What IS this stuff???"
Bella gives me the evil eye for giving Haven the first piece.

The cake was a big hit, but this is what happened when we took it away: Mombo loves her little grandgirls!

Sweet, sweet, sweet baby girl!!! I love those little lips!

Luke is having a great time with Uncle Eric~:-)
Hooray, a poofy dress!

A hat for the beach, which Elijah immediately swiped. "It's my hunting hat, Momma!"

Do you see his gun? He's going hunting.

Haven loves her Grampa ("Poppa")!

Bella tries to make a new friend, but probably just gave Jason the evil eye.
Haven loves her Grammie ("Mammy") too!

Look! Now I'm big enough to reach the piano keys!
Happy Birthday Girl!

We are so thankful God gave us dear Haven! She has been such a cheerful, easygoing, little delight to me this past year. I pray that God will make her love Him, continue to give her a cheerful disposition, and make her a place of refuge to others.
Thanks to the Kirby's, Dodds, Graves, McKinleys, and Mombo for coming to help us celebrate the end of Haven Elizabeth's first year!


McKinley Family said...

1. Why does my kid always look angry?
2. Thanks for not responding to my complaints of being fat with "you eat a lot, look at this picture."
3. I took that picture of Haven by the tree and it is awesome. :)
4. I wished you lived next door!
5. You have super cute kids.
6. I really like Eric's parents Grandparent names. Super cute.


Caleb's Family said...

So cute! What a sweetie! I cannot imagine what trouble our boys would get into together- they both seem to have a passion for guns and all things "boy". Caleb's favorite movie is Davey Crocket, only he sings it, "Davey, Davey Crocket, King of the wild front deer!" Hope you are doing well with #3 not too far off!

Lily said...

Love the pictures!! They are awesome!! And I am loving the big bows and tutus :o) They are the way to go!! :D

lydia said...

Ab -
1. Bella just has NO PROBLEM expressing herself. (I wonder whose child she is?)
4. You should totally move next door!!! (I've been scoping out houses, don't worry.)
6. Eric's parents don't like their kid-given names, but they just may end up sticking....

*Caleb definitely needs to introduce Elijah to Davey Crocket. He would love it!

*Lily, go ahead and buy yourself a tutu with a matching bow. Haven will think you are awesome~:-)