Thursday, August 28, 2008

Pennsylvania Day Four: The Pool

While Great-Grandpa and GiGi took a nap, we headed to the neighborhood pool. The pool/park are frequently visited by us during any Pennsylvania trip because it "has the best swings in the world" per Eric, is a short walk away from the retirement community, and is located near Ye Ole Bake Oven. The walk allows you to take in the rich, manure-filled air - a trademark of the Pennsylvania countryside. (And, yet, the above-mentioned air is often preferable to the aforementioned heat of the apartment.) After decades of visiting, I've actually become fond of the odor. Really.

The kiddy pool is so huge at this park. Elijah was delighted to find it partially full of balls. Daddy taught Elijah how to throw them into the water.

My Daddy is so cool!
Then, we helped Elijah ride this little teeter-totter. He LOVED it, and let us know by screaming with delight the whole time.

This makes me want a neighborhood pool; it was so fun.

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