Thursday, August 28, 2008

Pennsylvania Day Three - Visiting

We were able to visit Aunt Janet (Elijah's great-great-aunt!) in the morning at "Hemlock Hill the Second." Annie and Elijah got along quite well (of course). Aunt Janet fixed us sandwiches with meat from the Market and strawberry-rhubarb pie, per my request. Elijah even took a nap in the spare bedroom!

Next we visited U.A.T.P. (Uncle Al's Tomato Plantation). The title is not much of an exaggeration because his tomato plants are completely out of control. Elijah broke two things within the first five minutes of our visit (one being a present from Mike and Mags - sorry guys!); after that we kept him outside. I was feeling particularly nauseous that day so I attempted to take a nap with Elijah. He found this HILARIOUS and, of course, never went to sleep. We ventured back outside to enjoy some grilled hot dogs and hamburgers.

A few of the crazy plants: Uncle Al let Elijah pick (and taste) a couple of the cherry tomatoes. He also enjoyed eating this rubber ball:

It was so nice to see you Uncle Al!

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